Sunday 25 November 2012

Journal Activity #12

Overall, I found this course very good. It turns out I know how to write a decent essay, good enough for my standards anyways. I couldn't write an essay for the life of me in high school, but I guess now that I'm in university, I care a little more and it feels worth it to work hard at the work your doing. I found the pieces we studied to be boring as I expected them to be, considering I'm not a guy who enjoys literature at all, but I powered through it. There was a few that I enjoyed though, such as "Story of an Hour" and "Araby". One I found really interesting, while the other I seemed to understand more so than others. I thought the Blogs were a good component to the course, each entry wasn't overly hard, but they certainly made you think. I thought this course was great, but I would prefer not to do it again, haha.

Monday 19 November 2012

Journal Activity #4

So, anybody who knows me knows that Im a huge basketball fan. I used to be a huge Toronto Raptors fan. I still watch their games when there on TV but it's starting to get old. In 2006 the Raps hired General Manager Brian Colangelo, who before that was the GM for the Phoenix Suns NBA team. Colangelo was expected to come in and make some great things happen for Raptors, but 6 years later we are still waiting for those great things. Colangelo was known for putting together one of the most exciting, fast-paced, show-stopping group of players together while in Phoenix. He managed to pull together 2-time MVP Steve Nash, and all-stars Shawn Marion and Amar'e Stoudamire. Together these 3 guys created one of the most exciting offensives to watch in the game. Brian colangelo has yet to work his magic in Toronto. He drafted a 7'0 foot Italian, in 2006, who has not met up to standards he was expected too. He passed up an opportunity that year to have one of the eventual best point guards in the league. That year he started a trend of going after european players. Andrea Bargnani, Jose Calderon, Jorge Garbajosa, Jonas Valenciunas. Don't get me wrong these players are good, but in no way should management think that these players have what it takes to lead their team on a championship run. This year, Colangelo had the 9th pick in the draft. He went a different way this year and picked a player from the US, but this player was predicted to be picked number 17! There was 8 available players, that were all better, that Colangelo could have picked, but for god knows what reason he went with this guy..  Raps haven't made the playoffs in years and at the rate there going now, there never going to. Especially with Colangelo picking these players he believes can lead his team somewhere...

Journal Activity #11

The ball bounces as he walks it up the court. Sweat hits the floor as it drips off his brow. He looks at the clock as it counts down from 24. All eyes on him, they all know who's taking it. 19...18.. He dribbles back and forth waiting for his shot 12...11 Down by one. Patiently waiting, 7...6... The screen comes, he moves and rolls off. 3... He pulls up, 2... Leaves his fingers 1... Game.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Journal Activity #10

        Dear, Drivers of St. Johns
First off, your all idiots. So many of you should not be on the road. Whoever gave you your license, should seriously consider resigning from their position, because there is absolutely no reason for you all to legally, be allowed on the roads that everyone else drives. I have driven in Downtown Los Angeles, California, and I would pick that over this awful city of drivers, any day. In case you did not know, when someone puts their signal light on, it means they want to change lanes. That signal isn't supposed to set off some stupid signal in your head that says "oh that car has enough room in front of me that they want to squeeze in? hmm I guess I should speed up so they cant and then they'll know that I'm cool cause I know how to use my gas peddle". ...Thanks bro, was it really going to hurt your ego so much to have to let someone in front of you.
     To the City Wide cab, who cut me off last night on the way home from work, yeah that was me who called the cops and followed you up Portugal Cove Road just to make sure you got a ticket, for simply being an ass.
     To the old folks who still think they are fit to be testing their driving skills, time to call it quit gramps. Its a whole lot more annoying to have a car going 40 km/h under the speed limit, than it is to have someone flying passed you, so do everyone a favour take the bus.
     To the skeets driving with the blacked out windows, subwoofers rattling the vehicle, dude your driving a damn Corolla, lets be real.

Hope you'll take this into consideration
Sincerely, Pissed.

Journal Activity #9


At approximately 11:00 this morning New York City Police
 executed a search warrant on a local Gun Supply Store in the downtown area, and made a rather sizable bust. Inside the store they found boxes upon boxes of new and used rifles and handguns. Police have two males currently in custody, with charges pending. We caught up with Sgt. Brown, who was in command of this operation. “We currently have two males in custody, one being the store owner, and the other a 26 year old male” said Sgt Brown. “After a tip from a concerned citizen, we were keeping our eye on this local business for the 
past few weeks, until we felt we had enough to make an arrest.” The two males are 
currently facing charges of possession of weapons dangerous to the public, trafficking 
weapons, and owning a business without valid government safety certificates. Please stayed tuned on the 6pm news for further details into this story.

Thursday 18 October 2012

Journal Activity #7

A Guide To Good TV

Today, I would like to speak to you about a TV show that I have been a fan favourite of, for many years. It wasn't a TV series that I particularly enjoyed when it first came on the air, because of its stylistic elements, it has a documentary type feel that took some adjusting too, but when mixed with comedy and a fantastic cast, how can you go wrong?
If you haven't guessed already, I'm talking about "The Office" which has been broadcasted by NBC for the past 8 years, and is current working through its 9th, and sadly, final year. The Office is about the daily lives of a dozen people who work for a paper supply company, based out of Scranton, Pennsylvania. Now, you might think umm.. a 9 season series about a boring paper company? Ill pass. You'll regret it! With a Boss that has no boundaries, an "Assistant to the Regional Manager" who lives on a Beet Farm, and who has a vast knowledge of bears, and the cute receptionist at the front desk, 
can you ask for a better show?
Steve Carrell plays Michael Scott, the Regional Manager of Dunder Mifflin Scranton branch. If you do not like Steve Carrell, then you don't know comedy, simple as that. Unfortunately, for personal reasons, Steve had to leave the show after season 7, and as his character held the bulk of the comedy, it had to be passed along to someone else. John Krasinski and Rainn Wilson to full control of that right away. They play to roles of Jim Halpert, and Dwight Schrute, two salesman at the branch. If I was working in this office I assure you I would get absolutely no work done with these two around. They spend all day playing pranks on each other, and I cant stop laughing. Just watch this !
If you don't believe me, gives "The Office" an 8.9/10.
I give it a 10/10. This is my review, and I can!
If you don't believe me or the professionals, check it out for yourself, 10:30 tonight on NBC. 

Friday 12 October 2012

Journal Entry #6

Shy Girl 
Wont show her
 face, Sexy girl dressed
 in lace, sad girl she'll 
blow her sorrow

 Girl, The guys will 
follow Bully Girl She Is a 
sin Weak Girl, She will not Win
Lonely Girl All on her own Chatty Girl
 On the Phone Suicide Girl, she wont be
 here tomorrow Emo Girl, With a heart thats 
Hollow Scared Girl No Where to HideNaughty Girl 
The one that Lied Adventurous girl, who's out and about
Victim Girl, who wont go out Phsyco girl she fell Off the Swing
Slutty Girl, who had the one night Fling Depressed Girl so empty inside
Lazy Girl          The one
 that                 Sighed
                                                                           Normal                Girl 

                                                                Maybe            Tomorrow.. 

This is My Version of a spatial Poem. I used the Poem "Normal Girl" by Ruby Coll. I did my best job I could to put this poem into the form of the classic female sign, that you would see, perhaps, on the door of a female washroom. 

Friday 5 October 2012

Journal Activity #5

Journal Activity #5

A Former Life

by Charles Baudelaire

LONG since, I lived beneath vast porticoes,
By many ocean-sunsets tinged and fired,
Where mighty pillars, in majestic rows,
Seemed like basaltic caves when day expired.
The rolling surge that mirrored all the skies
Mingled its music, turbulent and rich,
Solemn and mystic, with the colours which
The setting sun reflected in my eyes.
And there I lived amid voluptuous calms,
In splendours of blue sky and wandering wave,
Tended by many a naked, perfumed slave,
Who fanned my languid brow with waving palms.
They were my slaves--the only care they had
To know what secret grief had made me sad.

LONG since, I lived beneath vast porticoes,
By many ocean-
sunsets tinged and fired,
mighty pillars, in majestic rows,
Seemed like basaltic caves when day expired.
The rolling surge that mirrored all the skies
Mingled its music, turbulent and rich,
Solemn and mystic, with the colours which
The setting
sun reflected in my eyes.
And there I lived amid voluptuous calms,
splendours of blue sky and wandering wave,
Tended by
many a naked, perfumed slave,
Who fanned my languid brow with waving palms.
They were
my slaves--the only care they had
To know what secret grief had made me sad.

Friday 21 September 2012

Journal Activity #3

By: Nas
[Verse 1]
I saw my daughter send a letter to some boy her age
Who locked up, first I regretted it then caught my rage, like
How could I not protect her from this awful phase
Never tried to hide who I was, she was taught and raised like
A princess, but while I'm on stage I can't leave her defenseless
Plus she's seen me switching women, pops was on some pimp shit
She heard stories of her daddy thuggin'
So if her husband is a gangster can't be mad, I love her
Never, for her I want better, homie in jail- dead that
Wait till he come home, you can see where his head's at
Niggas got game, they be tryna live
He seen your mama crib, plus I'm sure he know who your father is
Although you real, plus a honest kid
Don't think I'm slow, I know you probably had that chronic lit
You 17, I got a problem with it
She looked at me like I'm not the cleanest father figure but she rocking with it

For my brothers with daughters, I call this
For my brothers with daughters, I call this
Not sayin' that our sons are less important
For my brothers with daughters, I call this
For my brothers with daughters, I call this
Not sayin' that our sons are less important

[Verse 2]
This morning I got a call, nearly split my wig
This social network said "Nas go and get ya kid"
She's on Twitter, I know she ain't gon post no pic
Of herself underdressed, no inappropriate shit, right
Her mother cried when she answered
Said she don't know what got inside this child's mind, she planted
A box of condoms on her dresser then she Instagrammed it
At this point I realized I ain't the strictest parent
I'm too loose, I'm too cool with her
Shoulda drove on time to school with her
I thought I dropped enough jewels on her
Took her from private school, so she can get a balance
To public school, they too nurture teen talents
They grow fast
One day she's ya little princess, next day she talking boy business
What is this
They say the coolest playas and foulest heart breakers in the world
God get's us back, he makes us have precious little girls

[Verse 3]
And I ain't tryna mess ya thing up
But I just wanna see you dream up
I finally understand
It ain't easy to raise a girl as a single man
Nah, the way mothers feel for they sons, how fathers feel for they daughters
When he date, he straight, chip off his own papa
When she date, we wait behind the door with the sawed off
Cuz we think no one is good enough for our daughters

The Song I have chosen to pick apart is called Daughters, and it was written and performed by, well known rapper, Nas. Finding the form in a Rappers lyrics is often hard to do, which I have just discovered. They don't often use stanzas in their work, but if they do, its certainly not laid out clearly. Its usually just one rather large paragraph.
As in most Rap or Hip Hop music the Rhyme schemes tend to be a lot sloppier looking than you would see in a better laid out song. For example, in a lot of music, and the same in spoken word poetry, the Rhyme scheme is often simple, such as aabba. In the first verse of this song, the rhyme scheme is aaaa bbb cc dd eeeeee. Poets can go on for hours writing rhymes, and as long as the artist is speaking about something, or rapping in this case, that keeps me tuned with some good music to support it, more power to you. As you can see, thats exactly what he did with the never ending eeeeeeeeee.... . This song has great rhythm as well. In the first 4 lines of the song, the artist creates a rhythm by emphasizing key words which allowed him to choose his own rhythm, which he can change and does, throughout the song

I saw my daughter send a letter to some BOY HER AGE
Who locked up, first I regretted it then CAUGHT MY RAGE, like
How could I not protect her from this AWFUL PHASE
Never tried to hide who I was, she was TAUGHT AND RAISED like

The artist uses this rhythm as the basis of his first two verses.

This is a song that was clearly written from a single father talking about his daughter. But more so a personal song written by Nas and referring to his own life struggles with his daughter, Destiny. Each verse has a different tone. Verse one gives off more of an angry tone. The speaker is mad at himself for seeing what and who his daughter is getting involved with. “Don't think I'm slow, I know you probably had that chronic lit, You 17, I got a problem with it” . The second verse has a more apologetic tone, the speaker is sorry he didn't do enough to be a better parent “At this point I realized I ain't the strictest parent, I'm too loose, I'm too cool with her, Shoulda drove on time to school with her, I thought I dropped enough jewels on her”. In the third verse, he has a understanding or accepting tone. I know I'm only supposed to pick one but thats to hard. He understands that his daughter is growing up but he is very protective because he knows "no one is good enough for our daughters " In this song I found one example of personification “This social network said "Nas go and get ya kid" ”. This is an example of personification because “social networks” cant talk. 
This song is full of meaning. Full of meaning for the artist, for the addressee, for listeners dealing with the same circumstances in their lives, for fathers with daughters. This is one of those songs where no one really cares whats the implications could be, because it is just such a good song. At least for those who enjoy this style of music. Its not gangster rap or anything hardcore, It doesn't talk about women, money, guns or drugs. It has meaning. Thats why I like it.

Thursday 13 September 2012

Journal Entry #2


Trees wither away
There is a pinch in the wind
Winter is coming


Summer went by too fast this year
green grass and leaves gone soon, I fear
scarves on tight
the cool air bite
Soon the white fluffy snow will appear

The form that your poetry is required to go by, certainly influences the content of your work. You want to be able to focus on the creativity, and how interesting your poetry is, not worrying about if you have too many syllables or rhyming schemes. I will admit, I had a hard time coming up with a limerick that is any way comical or humorous, so i went in a different direction with something simple. 

Friday 7 September 2012

Journal Entry #1

          My name is Daniel, my friends call me Dan. I am currently a first year student at MUN. Three years after graduating from high school, I decided to enrol into university to further my education. I love playing sports. I have played basketball all my life, and I also enjoy Floor Hockey, Football, and a scattered game of Bocce. I enjoy hanging out with my friends, whether it be a bbq or going to a movie. Some of my other hobbies are paintball, movies, and music. 
       I was born in Dawson Creek, BC, I then moved around a fair bit going to Regina, Saskatchewan. I then moved to Newfoundland briefly before travelling to Sydney, Australia, where I lived for four years. In my time in australia I was able to experience the Australian Outback, and such places like Ayers Rock, The Devils Marbles, The Katherine Gorge, and The Olgas, all of which are spectacles that if you have the opportunity to visit Australia, you will regret not seeing. I then moved back to Newfoundland where I have lived since.
       This week I have started studying at Memorial University to further my education and start a career eventually, that I will enjoy.