Sunday 25 November 2012

Journal Activity #12

Overall, I found this course very good. It turns out I know how to write a decent essay, good enough for my standards anyways. I couldn't write an essay for the life of me in high school, but I guess now that I'm in university, I care a little more and it feels worth it to work hard at the work your doing. I found the pieces we studied to be boring as I expected them to be, considering I'm not a guy who enjoys literature at all, but I powered through it. There was a few that I enjoyed though, such as "Story of an Hour" and "Araby". One I found really interesting, while the other I seemed to understand more so than others. I thought the Blogs were a good component to the course, each entry wasn't overly hard, but they certainly made you think. I thought this course was great, but I would prefer not to do it again, haha.

1 comment:

  1. You have a certain honesty I like! Thanks for the comments. Good luck with the rest of your studies.
