Sunday 25 November 2012

Journal Activity #12

Overall, I found this course very good. It turns out I know how to write a decent essay, good enough for my standards anyways. I couldn't write an essay for the life of me in high school, but I guess now that I'm in university, I care a little more and it feels worth it to work hard at the work your doing. I found the pieces we studied to be boring as I expected them to be, considering I'm not a guy who enjoys literature at all, but I powered through it. There was a few that I enjoyed though, such as "Story of an Hour" and "Araby". One I found really interesting, while the other I seemed to understand more so than others. I thought the Blogs were a good component to the course, each entry wasn't overly hard, but they certainly made you think. I thought this course was great, but I would prefer not to do it again, haha.

Monday 19 November 2012

Journal Activity #4

So, anybody who knows me knows that Im a huge basketball fan. I used to be a huge Toronto Raptors fan. I still watch their games when there on TV but it's starting to get old. In 2006 the Raps hired General Manager Brian Colangelo, who before that was the GM for the Phoenix Suns NBA team. Colangelo was expected to come in and make some great things happen for Raptors, but 6 years later we are still waiting for those great things. Colangelo was known for putting together one of the most exciting, fast-paced, show-stopping group of players together while in Phoenix. He managed to pull together 2-time MVP Steve Nash, and all-stars Shawn Marion and Amar'e Stoudamire. Together these 3 guys created one of the most exciting offensives to watch in the game. Brian colangelo has yet to work his magic in Toronto. He drafted a 7'0 foot Italian, in 2006, who has not met up to standards he was expected too. He passed up an opportunity that year to have one of the eventual best point guards in the league. That year he started a trend of going after european players. Andrea Bargnani, Jose Calderon, Jorge Garbajosa, Jonas Valenciunas. Don't get me wrong these players are good, but in no way should management think that these players have what it takes to lead their team on a championship run. This year, Colangelo had the 9th pick in the draft. He went a different way this year and picked a player from the US, but this player was predicted to be picked number 17! There was 8 available players, that were all better, that Colangelo could have picked, but for god knows what reason he went with this guy..  Raps haven't made the playoffs in years and at the rate there going now, there never going to. Especially with Colangelo picking these players he believes can lead his team somewhere...

Journal Activity #11

The ball bounces as he walks it up the court. Sweat hits the floor as it drips off his brow. He looks at the clock as it counts down from 24. All eyes on him, they all know who's taking it. 19...18.. He dribbles back and forth waiting for his shot 12...11 Down by one. Patiently waiting, 7...6... The screen comes, he moves and rolls off. 3... He pulls up, 2... Leaves his fingers 1... Game.

Tuesday 6 November 2012

Journal Activity #10

        Dear, Drivers of St. Johns
First off, your all idiots. So many of you should not be on the road. Whoever gave you your license, should seriously consider resigning from their position, because there is absolutely no reason for you all to legally, be allowed on the roads that everyone else drives. I have driven in Downtown Los Angeles, California, and I would pick that over this awful city of drivers, any day. In case you did not know, when someone puts their signal light on, it means they want to change lanes. That signal isn't supposed to set off some stupid signal in your head that says "oh that car has enough room in front of me that they want to squeeze in? hmm I guess I should speed up so they cant and then they'll know that I'm cool cause I know how to use my gas peddle". ...Thanks bro, was it really going to hurt your ego so much to have to let someone in front of you.
     To the City Wide cab, who cut me off last night on the way home from work, yeah that was me who called the cops and followed you up Portugal Cove Road just to make sure you got a ticket, for simply being an ass.
     To the old folks who still think they are fit to be testing their driving skills, time to call it quit gramps. Its a whole lot more annoying to have a car going 40 km/h under the speed limit, than it is to have someone flying passed you, so do everyone a favour take the bus.
     To the skeets driving with the blacked out windows, subwoofers rattling the vehicle, dude your driving a damn Corolla, lets be real.

Hope you'll take this into consideration
Sincerely, Pissed.

Journal Activity #9


At approximately 11:00 this morning New York City Police
 executed a search warrant on a local Gun Supply Store in the downtown area, and made a rather sizable bust. Inside the store they found boxes upon boxes of new and used rifles and handguns. Police have two males currently in custody, with charges pending. We caught up with Sgt. Brown, who was in command of this operation. “We currently have two males in custody, one being the store owner, and the other a 26 year old male” said Sgt Brown. “After a tip from a concerned citizen, we were keeping our eye on this local business for the 
past few weeks, until we felt we had enough to make an arrest.” The two males are 
currently facing charges of possession of weapons dangerous to the public, trafficking 
weapons, and owning a business without valid government safety certificates. Please stayed tuned on the 6pm news for further details into this story.